

Hardcover 330p.
ISBN978-4-7722-2015-6Engineering Geology with special reference to epoch-making papers
-logic and practice-
This book provides the systematic explanations of the epoch-making papers and the issues on engineering geology, and of their contribution to systematize the technologies in various fields of the engineering geology.
\6,300(including tax)
(\4,800,member price +postage \350)

How to order for members

Those who wish to purchase the book at the member price , please request the JSEG secretariat to confirm your membership and mailing.

Tel:03-3259-8232   Fax:03-3259-8233 

List of previously published issues

The following publications are currently out of stock. If you would like to obtain a copy, please contact the secretariat of the conference.

Year of publication Title Remarks
1992 Rock Mass Classification in Japan (in English) Out of stock
1992 Engineering Geology of dams in Japan (in English) Out of stock